
A DIY day

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So, here come the Autumn fashions. and yes I love most of them. Some of them are classics and some of them are in for this year and this year only. In months to come I would probably regret spending loads of money on the not so classic items in the shops that I love right now. 

So this week I have been thinking, how can I get these pieces without spending Zara, Topshop and ASOS prices? Then it came to me, with a little DIY I could have those pieces, not only pieces that I will love to wear but ones that no-one else will have to!

I'm really into the feather/fur trend at the moment - here are a few examples which are in store atm.






How lovely are they?

So I decided I'd give it ago myself, wish me luck!

I started by ordering half a metre of grey fur from ebay it costs me £4.00 and also half a metre of black feather trim costing £2.00. Thats £6's all in all. That would even cover the next day delivery postage for most company's.

I had a dig around some of my old clutch bags that never see the light of day and came across an old H&M, this was this old dated clutch bags moment to shine.

DIY Fluffy Clutch

You will need:

Clutch Bag
Fabric Glue

Measure around your clutch bag to make sure it covers the whole of the clutch before you cut around it.

Make sure you go right up to the edges so the old material is covered and leave half an inch of material to fold under the flap so it doesn't peel off and will also help it to look neater.

Glue down the material but using lines of glue on the outer edges of the clutch bag and push firmly down until it sticks.

The extra half an inch at the sides fold into each-other and also glue down.

I placed mine under a heavy book until it dried, I found this helped it to stay stuck down and in place.

There you have it, your very own personalised fully clutch it took me 20 minutes - I'm going to wear mine tonight. To see how I styled it keep an eyes out for this weekends blog post.


DIY Fluffy Heels

You will need:

Pair of Heels
Feather Trim 
Needle and thread

Measure the toe strap and cut two pieces of feather trim to size

I really love these gold shoes the way they are as they are classics and go with everything. I have made it so they won't be ruined when I remove the fur. I threaded the needle though the strap at the very bottom and then threaded it through the feather trim.

I then wrapped the thread around the feathers twice and pushed the needle back through and knotted the end.

Reapeat this on the other side of the strap.

Reapeat on the other shoe.... EASY!!

I'm in love with them, I love the two tone of the gold and the black, they are defiinaely a little different. I want to make more!

You'll have to wait and see what they look like on, they will feature in my next post!

I hope you enjoyed this little DIY, now go get some fur and feathers and play.

I'll let you know how mine work out this weekend...

I'll keep you posted :)


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