
A rainy sunday style and shop

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So today I woke up to rain, and lots of it. This meant our plans of an adventurous wonder around london was pretty impossible unless we wanted to be drowned rats by 12pm.
So instead we decided to slowly get ready head out for a delicious Sunday brunch and a nose around the shops.
I wore my new jeans and bag that i have brought previously this week, I decided to get another pair of topshop leigh ripped knee jeans as I live in my grey ones, when I'm not deciding to get my legs out... It does sometimes happen.

Cardigan - Newlook
Body - Asos
Jeans - Topshop
Sandels - Zara
Bag - H&M

I find these maxi cardigans I bought so easy to wear and they look great with everything, I was really struggling to find cardigan I like without feeling mummy wearing them and these are perfect!
The tassel bag was a bargain from H&M and I have been debating buying it for ages as I don't really need another bag, but it goes with everything and looks far more expensive then what it was so I'm glad I got it.

I also decided to make up my makeup to my look today and choose a greeny/khaki shadow for my eyes to match the green of my cardigan, I love wearing a pop of colour on my face to an otherwise quite boring outfit. 

Eyeshadow - Mac - Sumptuous Olive

While we were shopping I was treated by my boyfriend to a new purse I have had my eye on, I've always been a bit crazy for camoflage but the pony skin feel and the oversize look sold it for me and I now have a nice new purse to use, It's very pretty.

I have had such a lovely weekend and I'm so excited to get back to my course tomorrow and learn more looks and get more advice and tips.

I'll keep you posted :)


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