
Magic Monday makeup

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Today I didn't wake up feeling the Monday morning back to work drag, I almost jumped out of bed, excited to get to college. Knowing we were learning how to perfect the 70's and 80's makeup looks I was ready for a challenge and a challenge was what awaited me indeed.

Now, I'm quite scared of black eyeshadow. I think this is because I had some when I was about 14 and managed to make myself look like a panda several times - not a good look. However black eyeshadow was what was waiting for me when i arrived today! Yes the 70's and 80's were all about the dark smokey eye and let me tell you, its not subtle in the least, especially the 70's. They did love a bit of colour!

The 80's were more black and less of an 'out there' eye, but just as bold as the 70's. I surprised myself today and really enjoyed creating both looks and the challenge. It's so much easier when you have 100 lipsticks and eyeshadows to chose from too - it's every girl's heaven.

As you can see MAC provide all the makeup for us!

I couldn't decide if it was going to be sunny or rainy today. When I woke up it seemed lovely but the forecast predicted rain so I chose to wear a long sleeve shirt and a skirt, which is both comfortable but suitable for a little London rain.

Shirt - Topshop
Skirt - H&M
Sunglasses - Ray-ban

I accessorised it with my tan Mulberry Bayswater bag and my Primark sandals - I love to mix a touch of high end with High Street! 

Lets hope it's a sunny day tomorrow because I love my sunny walks to and from college. I'm enjoying this experience so much and can't wait to try out more looks tomorrow.

I'll keep you posted :)


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