
A major maxi and make up kinda day

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Well wasn't it the most perfect of summers mornings this morning,the sun was shining and I had another beautiful walk to Shepherd's Bush wearing my over-sized Maxi shirt, which looks great but tends to flap behind me like a cape causing people to stare at me as if I'm a Wonder Woman impersonator. Wonder Woman no, but a fashion fanatic yes.


Maxi Shirt - Primark
Dress - H&M
Sliders - Newlook
Bag - H&M
Sunglasses - Karen Walker



Today's lesson was all about editorial looks, and some people may not get the whole out there look or the look which looks as if the model is wearing no make up at all, but its very popular in the fashion world and to be honest I love the experimentation of it all. I gets my creative juices flowing. Here are a few pictures from start to finish of an editorial I created today. The look to begin with is very subtle and barely there, then a splash of crazy colour on the lids, finished off with blending the eyes out into a much more manageable, wearable style.

After we finished for the day it was more make up for me, It's a good job I love it. I met one of my best friends for dinner and sleepover which turned into a make up trail for her wedding in September, now she is a perfectionist of the greatest form so I'm glad I have extra time to perfect her look for her big day while we are both in London.

 I was really pleased with the final look, she is a natural beauty as you can see so that always helps.

I'm finding the more I practice make up and the more understanding i get the more excited I get for whats to come.

I'm already trying to decide what to wear tomorrow and what lipstick shade will compliment it as I type, I just cant help it I really do have a passion for fashion... and I can't wait for tomorrows look!

I'll keep you posted :)


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